Keadilan dan kedamaian sudah dirampas oleh penjajah Siam


Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Cerita Dari Hujung Selatan

Baru-baru ini Aku ke Negara Patani Daussalam yang hilang. Orang Melayu di sini masih berugama Islam. Masih solat dan berpuasa. Pergi menunaikan haji di Makkah bagi yang mampu. Ada yang tidak mampu pergi tapi boleh pergi menunaikan haji. SubhaLlah! Segala perbelanjaan mereka ditanggung oleh orang-orang yang tertentu.

Musim raya korban cukup meriah sekali.Malamnya dihiasi dengan segala macam persembahan dan acara.Ada yang berzanji,membaca Al-Quran,berbalas pantun, syarahan,nasyid, cabutan bertuah, pameran,kenduri dan macam-macam. Pendek kata malam di negeri Sheikh Daud Al-Fathani semacam tidak tidur.Lampu-lampu terang benderang.Malam yang hitam itu terpaksa bertengkar dengan lampu-lampu yang hidup sampai azan subuh.

Malam itu Aku bertemu dengan seorang wartawan. Dia boleh berbahasa Melayu tetapi dialek Patani.Dia mahir menulis dalam tulisan Jawi. Cantik tulisannya. Tentulah dia ini lulusan sekolah pondok. Kalau sekolah Siam dia tentu tidak boleh menulis tulisan jawi. Dasar kerajaan Thai Buddha yang tidak mengizinkan bahasa dan tulisan Melayu di sekolah Sima.

Dia meminta nama dan alamat. Aku tulis dalam tulisan rumi.Oh! dia meminta Aku menulis dalam tulisan jawi kerana dia tidak boleh membaca tulisan rumi. Dia meminta tulisan dalam tulisan jawi.Aku menulis nama dan alamat dalam tulisan jawi.

Aku tidak menyalahkan dia.Pihak Siam telah menjajah negerinya sejak tahun 1785 lagi.Ramai orang Melayu yang ditawan,dibunuh,dijadikan hamba abdi dan dibawa ke Bangkok.

Mereka di sini cukup merindukan keadilan dan kedamaian. Keadilan dan kedamaian umurnya cukup pendek di sini.Ianya dibunuh oleh tentera Siam dari dahulu hingga kini.

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Wartawan Kanan Prachatai DiTahan Oleh Rejim Tentera

Pravit Rojanaphruk wartawan kanan akhbar 'The  Nation' diperintahkan untuk melaporkan diri pihak berkuasa tentera Ahad ini jam 10.00 pagi.

Beliau diringi oleh Anan Nampha seorang peguam hak asasi kemanusiaan dan tiga  orang pegawai daripada  Pesuruhjaya  Tinggi Hak Asasi Kemanusiaan( OHCHR).

"Saya berharap mereka tidak patah semangat dan Jeneral Prayuth adalah diktator yang terakhir di  Thailand." Achara Ashayagachat, pemberita 'Bangkok Post  memetik kata-kata  beliau, " Mereka boleh menahan saya tetapi tidak boleh menyekat kesedaran saya."

Beliau merupakan seorang pengkritik yang lantang terhadap rejim tentera yang merampas kuasa yang diketuai oleh  Jeneral  Prayuth.

Tidak diketahui berapa  lama beliau ditahan dan pihak 'The Nation' setakat ini tidak mengeluarkan  sebarang kenyataan  berhubung dengan penahanan beliau.

5 Academics summoned by coup makers

Posted:25 May 2014 06:56 AM PDT

The National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) a special security body under the coup makers, on Sunday night ordered give five scholars from leading Thammasat University and  Chulalongkorn University.

They are ordered to report themselves on Monday between 10-11am  at the Thai Army Club, Theves.

The five academics are:
1. Banjerd Sinkanneti, Faculty of Lawa, Thammasat University.
2.Surapon Nitikraipot, Rector of Thammasat University
3. Harirak Sutabutr, Thammasat Business School
4.Chai-anan samudavanija, a former Professor of Political Science at Chulalongkorn University.
5.Teerayut Boomee, Faculty of Sociology of Thammasat University

Taken from PRACHATAI.

Sunday, 2 March 2014


2 Mac,2014/30 Rabiul Akhir 1435

Ada orang yang tidak cintakan "Bunga Raya" lalu dibawa bersamanya senjata lalu membunuh orang yang tidak bersalah.

Begitulah keadaan yang terus berlaku di negara yang dijajah oleh penjajah Siam.,Patani Darussalam.

Dua orang lelaki yang bersenjata menunggang sebuah mtorsikal mengekori Ustaz Khairi Abdul Rahman yang juga seorang imam di Kampung Kunyit telah melepaskan beberapa tembakan.Tembakan yang singgah ke rusok dan di tepi pinggang menyebabkan beliau jatuh daripada motorsikalnya dan gugur di tempat kejadian.Anak beliau Haris 17 yang bersamanya cedera di paha dan dibawa ke hospital yang berdekatan.

Dalam kejadian itu beliau telah ditembak kira-kira 300 meter daripada Madrasah Quranil Karim.Ustaz Khairi meninggalkan seorang isteri,Puan Nafisah 50,3 orang anak. dua perempuan dan seorang lelaki.

Anak sulongnya Suraini 20, baru pulang bercuti dari Indonesia.Beliau masih menuntut di Universiti Wahid Hashim, Semarang,Indonesia. Anak beliau yang bongsu Fatimah, 14 masih menuntut.

Menurut Puan Nafisah, suami beliau ke tempat kerja dengan menunggang motorsikal bersama anak lelakinya Haris.

Lokasi kejadian.  

Kata wakil Pejuang Patani," Hari ini kami datang membawa BUNGA RAYA sebagai sombol kedamaian, tanpa membawa senjata. Perang juga telah  meletus di Patani, dan di Patani juga akan lahir kedamaian sesuai dengan gelaranya PATANI  DARUSSALAM."

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Forum Wawasan Patani 2020

People's College atau Kolej Rakyat akan mengadakan forum bertajuk"Wawasan 2020 "Damai di Patani pada 1 Mac 2014 ini.

Ahli panelnya diundangan khas dari Malaysia dan Indonesia.

Prof Dr. Kamarulzaman Askandar dari Universiti Sains Malaysia. Mankala Prof. Dr.Ichsan Malek dari Universitas Indonesia dan Dr.Otto Shamsuddin Ishak, Universiti Syeh Kuala Kuala Banda Aceh.

Forum ini menonjolkan anak tempatan sebagai moderator. iaitu Dr.Faisal Daoh dari Universiti Putera Senggora.

Manakala di sebelah paginya disampaikan  sijil penghargaan kepada tamatan People's College.Pengarah kolej ini ialah Wan Ismael Naesae.

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Guna orang bersenjata


This is a video taken near Lak-see polling station in Bangkok. The polling station has been surrounded by an extreme right-wingBuddhist gang and Democrat Party thugs from the south, in an attempt to stop people from voting in Sunday’s election.  As local people and red shirts gathered to demand access to the polling station and ballot boxes, Democrat leaders Satit Wong-nongtuay and Sutep Tueksuban called on reinforcements to rush to Lak-see.  Among these reinforcements we see at least one gunman.
In the video clip below you will see a man in a black balaclava  holding a green and yellow plastic bag. There is an automatic rifle inside the bag and the gunman starts to fire at locals and police.
Some pictures from Thairath newspaper and Facebook.

Friday, 14 February 2014

Penamaan Kampung Di Hujung Selatan. Yayasan Asia Jalin Kerjasama Dengan PUSTA

Asia Foundation and Local Partners Mark Village Renaming Project in Southern Thailand

The Asia Foundation’s Country Representative for Thailand Kim McQuay, Program Officer Santi Nindang, a local security officer, and Mengabang villagers join the PUSTA team, led by Ajarn Ismail Benjasmith, for the celebration parade.
Bangkok, February 13, 2014 — On February 8-9, The Asia Foundation, in cooperation with local partner, the Center for Conservation for Local Culture and Environment in Southern Border Provinces of Thailand (PUSTA), and event co-host, the Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center (SBPAC) organized the Village Renaming Celebration Event. The event was held in two parts: the Saturday event was held at the Prince of Songkhla University, Pattani Campus, and on Sunday, at the Mengabang Village in Saiburi District, Pattani. Provincial governors, district chiefs, and representatives of the 10 villages attended the two-day event, which included panel discussions on community rights, reflections by members of the audience, and a ceremonial parade.
The celebration event marks the culmination of a 15-month pilot project that the Foundation and PUSTA have conducted in partnership with SBPAC in 10 villages acrosssouthern Thailand.
The project has supported local efforts to address one of the longstanding grievances of the Malay-Muslim majority population of the southern border provinces and a root cause of century-old conflict by recognizing, promoting, and preserving the unique identity, language, and culture of the community. For decades, the Malay-Muslim community has called for the renaming of villages in a manner relevant to and consistent with the unique historical, cultural, and language identity of the region.
In 2012, with support from the Foundation and technical assistance from PUSTA, 10 local villages embarked on a two-year renaming initiative that included local historical researchconducted by community members; a series of community forums and village councils; and advocacy with government offices from the sub-district level up to the national level. In late 2013, SBPAC formally adopted the reform initiative by endorsing the renaming of the 10 villages and the replacement of village signposts to include Yawi script. Police Colonel Tawee Sodsong, Secretary-General of SBPAC, attended both events and announced the government’s commitment to extend the renaming initiative to similarly affected communities across the Deep South.
View a slideshow from the event. Read more about The Asia Foundation and its work inThailand.
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Thursday, 13 February 2014


Thai rebels demand freedom before dialogue - Asia-pacific - Al Jazeera English

Empat Orang Terbunuh Dalam Serangan Di Hujung Selatan

Four killed in attacks in Thailand's restive south

PATTANI, Thailand Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:13am GMT
A motorcycle taxi rides through a barricade by anti-government protesters on Rama IV road in downtown Bangkok February 6, 2014. REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha
1 OF 3. A motorcycle taxi rides through a barricade by anti-government protesters on Rama IV road in downtown Bangkok February 6, 2014.


(Reuters) - Suspected Muslim rebels in southern Thailand killed four people, including a nine-year-old boy, on Thursday, police said, adding the attack may have been in reprisal for the killing of some Muslim boys.
Thailand is a mainly Buddhist country, but the three southern provinces of Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat are majority-Muslim and resistance to central government rule has existed there for decades, resurfacing violently in 2004.
Four rebels riding two motorcycles opened fire on villagers giving alms to Buddhist monks in Mae Lan district of Pattani province, killing two women, a Buddhist monk and the boy, police said. Seven other people were injured.
"This was a revenge attack," Pattani chief of police Phot Suaysuwan told Reuters. "We believe there is a link between the killing of Buddhists this week and the murder of three Muslim boys last week."
Two Buddhist women were gunned down in two separate attacks in Pattani this week. Both were shot dead and set on fire.
Phot said the attacks were in revenge for the deaths of three Muslim brothers aged three, five and nine, who were gunned down in front of their home in neighbouring Narathiwat province.
The boy's deaths had set off "a chain reaction", said Srisompob Jitpiromsri of the Deep South Watch think-tank.
"Emotions in the local community are running high, on both sides, and the insurgent movement has taken their deaths as an opportunity for revenge," he said.
"It will be difficult for the authorities to control the violence unless they can bring the boys' killers to justice."
More than 5,700 people have died as a result of the insurrection in the south since January 2004 and more than 40 have been killed since the start of this year.
The opening of peace talks with rebel groups last year has done nothing to end the violence. Talks between the state and representatives of major rebel group the Barisan Revolusi Nasional (the National Revolutionary Front, or BRN), now seem to have stalled.
A meeting set for December was postponed, officials said, as the authorities focused on protesters who had taken to the streets of the capital in a bid to overthrow the government.
The protests continue and a general election held on February 2 in a bid to end the crisis was disrupted, leaving Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra at the head of a caretaker government with limited powers.
The three violence-plagued provinces in the south were once part of an independent Malay Muslim sultanate until annexed by predominantly Buddhist Thailand in 1909.
(Reporting by Surapan Boonthanom; Writing by Amy Sawitta Lefevre; Editing by Alan Raybould and Clarence Fernandez)